Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Treason? HA! I Laugh In The Face Of Such Claims!
There was a time in this country when treason was a very serious crime, especially for those in political office. I mean, did we learn nothing in elementray school regarding the treasonous Benedict Arnold? Is Arnold's name not synonymous with lying, cheating, and backstabbing?
No more. You can go ahead and commit treason if you like, I guess.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Popular Media Strives To Kill Millions Women/Girls By Promoting Anorexia least, if some of the Photoshopped pictures of celebrities are any indication.
I've seen a lot of these kinds of "before and after" galleries of models on the beach, trying to sell swimwear to Middle American soccer moms who haven't even thought seriously about a bikini since the eighth grade.
At any rate, you don't often see these "before and after" things featuring celebrities. Which is why this Photoshopping extravaganza of Faith Hill on the cover of Redbook is particularly of interest. We all know that skinny celebrities are "in." We also know that young girls are very impressionable by celebrities and, by extension, their skinniness. So taking a good-looking celebrity and making her even skinnier and more up to the impossible standards of modern media and anorexia machine is completely nauseating. What say you?