Kinda like a sex change...
Except different. Apparently, Fox News decided that it just didn't seem right that a Republican congressman could be involved in underage, homosexual, sexual harassment. So, they changed his party affiliation! How convenient! In screenshots of Rep. Tom Foley, the Republican congressman was identified as a Democrat... three times. Once, you could almost forgive as an oversight or mistake. But three times? Sounds like something sinister, especially when you consider the upcoming election battles for seats in congress. Republicans could easily lose control of both houses of congress this upcoming November, in what is seen by many to be the ultimate goal: giving Democrats enough seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate to take control of congress and put an end to the rubber-stamp initiatives by the Bush regime.
It almost makes one wonder...
You know how we were all told by THE MEDIA and THE GOVERNMENT that we were attacked by 19 guys on planes with box cutters who flew planes into buildings? Is it possible that we were lied to? I mean, if people actually just believe anything that is seen on television, is it possible that they were able to orchestrate what we thought and continue to think about what happened on 9/11? If manipulating the American citizenry is as simple as changing a graphic to say that some guy is Democrat when he is actually a Republican, how much harder, then, would it be to give us sound bites and pictures ONLY that support the agreed-upon version of events, leaving out the stuff that blows the "official version" out of the water?
Honestly, I don't want to believe that our government could do something so heinious to us, either by letting it happen or by making it happen. But, really. It wouldn't be too hard to pull off, what with the media controlled by big businesses. Seriously. Think about it. Most of us in America watched what happened on 9/11 on television. We saw the horrible images, over and over and over. Seeing it made us angry. We all agreed that something had to be done. But what if that something that had to be done was actually not retaliation, but aggression? What if, because we believed what the "fair and balanced" media told us about what was happening, we agreed to a war that was never designed to get the "perpetrators" of 9/11?
A while back, I read a list by someone who detailed who all would have to be "in on" a conspiracy of this order. They listed firefighters and police officers. But that really isn't the case. Who would really have to be "in on" it? Well, the president, the vice president, and a few select members of the administration. A few key individuals in the military (high-ups). A few key members of the media. Perhaps a couple of leaders of foreign countries. And a guy we trained and armed in the 1980s, who would be put up in a super-secret location (or killed), to take the fall for everything. Anybody else who figured it out could be bought off, mostly. I mean, firefighters and police officers wouldn't be "in on" it; many of them were killed or injured. Why would they, if they knew about it, go ahead and go through with it, knowing they would die? It don't make sense.